Message of Condolences in Memory of Raija Salmi

We have heard with profound shock about the death of Ms RAIJA SALMI, the Founder of the Girl Guides Association in Northern Region (Owambo-Kavango) who died on the 21 September 2015.

Ms Salmi commenced her journey as a Commissioner of Girl Guides as from 1966, in Onandjokwe - Oniipa, where she was a Pharmacist.

With so much passion and dedication, the Association grew and recruited thousands of young girls from the Northern part of the country. It was through her dedication and hardwork that a place was allocated by the Lutheran Church to be a meeting place for these vibrant youth. That place we call it today Oshaatotwa, where girls guide from various congregation used to meet and share different responsibilities. It is worth noting that Ms Salmi ‘s leadership then attracted volunteers to lead the Association. The likes of Meme Selma Namuhuja, Meme Rakkel Hasheela and Meme Victoria Shituula are some of the Commissioners who worked tirelesly with Ms Salmi.

It is through her that about 50000 girls and young women in Namibia had an opportunity to be trained as Brownies and Girls Guide. Though she left a huge gap which will be difficult to fill, her legacy will leave on.

We thank God for the life of Raija Salmi, whose lively personality, tireless energy and outstanding leadership has done so much to advance the work of Guiding Movements throughout the world.  We had memorable moments with Raija and she will surely be missed.

May her soul rest in eternal peace.


Maija Shingenge

Regional Commissioner  -  Northern Region


Email address:  nalitye(at)